Blogs, Bytes and Reports
The Shrimp Insights Blogs and Bytes are free publications which if you are on my mailing list are delivered to your inbox. Blogs are in-depth reports on specific topics that are relevant to the industry. Bytes are quick trade data updates of the major shrimp-producing and consuming nations. My publications never get technical. I'm not technical myself. The publications are therefore easy to read and digest but at the same time support you quickly enhance your understanding of the global shrimp industry.
Blog: Indian Shrimp Farmers In Crisis—but How Deep?
It’s 100% clear that Indian shrimp farmers are in crisis mode, confronted with extraordinary low farm gate prices and high input costs. Their margins, if any still exist, have been squeezed. However, I’m not convinced that this will result in a 20%, or, as some media reported, even 30% production...
Blog: The Global Shrimp Feed Manufacturing Landscape. A Helicopter Overview.
While we’re always quick to say that the shrimp industry is very fragmented, the feed segment differs from other segments of the value chain. In countries like Ecuador and Vietnam, the shrimp feed manufacturing segment is already very much consolidated and on its way to consolidate even further over...
Blog: A Wake-Up Call to the Shrimp Industry
Whether you like it or not, consumer awareness surrounding sustainability as well as social and animal welfare issues in food supply chains is rising. Many of the sustainability issues are covered by third-party certification programs such as Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP), Aquaculture Stewardship...
Blog: Black Will Really Be Back. Big Time.
For me, the Global Shrimp Forum (GSF) session on black tiger shrimp (P. monodon) turned out to be the most insightful of all GSF sessions. After hearing so many new insights in other sessions focusing on Pacific white shrimp (L. vannamei), the seminar on black tiger shrimp and the future production...
Blog: A 2022 Update of the Shrimp Broodstock Market
Although some of you might think broodstock is not that relevant for your part of the business, I respectfully disagree. The quality of broodstock can make or break a successful crop: better genetics may reduce volatility and risks, and stability and predictability benefit the industry as a whole...
Blog: Ecuador, India, Indonesia and Vietnam: The Driving Forces behind US Shrimp Imports
This is the last blog in a series about the developments in the US marketplace and who have been responsible for the growth of US shrimp imports. In this blog I will elaborate on the top 10 (15 in the case of India) exporters from the US’s largest shrimp suppliers that have been responsible for much...
Blog: India Remains the US’s Largest Supplier of Peeled Shrimp but Ecuador Has Taken Over as Largest Supplier of Shell-On Shrimp
Building up to the Boston Seafood Show in March this year, I have decided to split this second part of my blog on the US importers into several more pieces as the NOAA’s import data and Urner Barry’s Foreign Trade Data simply provide too many insights to fit into this second part. In this part, I...
Blog: From Almost 750K MT to Almost 900K MT! Which Companies Drove 2021’s Surge of US Shrimp Imports?
First of all, happy new year to all of you who celebrated the Year of the Tiger! Let me then give a big thank you to Angel Rubio, senior analyst at Urner Barry Consulting, who provided me with most of the data for this blog from Urner Barry’s Foreign Trade Database. I encourage all of you who want...
Blog: Ecuador’s Top 3 Exporters Consolidate Market Share While Some Newcomers Show Impressive Export Numbers
In this blog, I’ll share data provided by CNA Ecuador that gives us insight into which of Ecuador’s processors are responsible for the growth of Ecuador’s exports. I will also share data provided by ASC, BAP and SSP about the effect of the drive for market diversification on the number of certified...
Blog: Indonesia’s Exports on Par with 2020 Shows Real-Time Data
Indonesia’s official export data normally runs significantly behind. Therefore, it’s sometimes difficult to have an up-to-date understanding of Indonesia’s shrimp export situation. In this third short October blog, I’ll look at data from Indonesia’s Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency (FQIA/BKIPM)...