Blogs, Bytes and Reports
The Shrimp Insights Blogs and Bytes are free publications which if you are on my mailing list are delivered to your inbox. Blogs are in-depth reports on specific topics that are relevant to the industry. Bytes are quick trade data updates of the major shrimp-producing and consuming nations. My publications never get technical. I'm not technical myself. The publications are therefore easy to read and digest but at the same time support you quickly enhance your understanding of the global shrimp industry.
Byte: Ecuador’s Export Volume Stabilizes at 1.2m MT, But Actual Production Likely Slightly Increased
Blog: Supporting the Global Shrimp Council and Inspiring Shrimp Consumption Promotion
Amidst a global oversupply situation and historically low farm gate prices, shrimp farmers worldwide have increasingly been raising their voices in an attempt to get the message across that if shrimp production continues to increase, the industry should collectively focus on promoting sustainable...