Blogs, Bytes and Reports
The Shrimp Insights Blogs and Bytes are free publications which if you are on my mailing list are delivered to your inbox. Blogs are in-depth reports on specific topics that are relevant to the industry. Bytes are quick trade data updates of the major shrimp-producing and consuming nations. My publications never get technical. I'm not technical myself. The publications are therefore easy to read and digest but at the same time support you quickly enhance your understanding of the global shrimp industry.
Blog: Export Data Review of Q3 2023
This blog will take you through shrimp export data of the first three quarters of 2023 from the world’s six largest exporters: Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and China. In Q3, the average prices of exported shrimp remained low. During this price slump, export volumes from some origins...

In 2019, the size of the global market for specific pathogen free (SPF) L. vannamei broodstock is estimated to be between 1.4 and 1.7 million broodstock. With an average value of $55 per animal traded in 2019, this equals a value of $77m to $95m.This first Shrimp Insights report covers 9 country profiles containing 2019 market size estimations, 15 company profiles containing 2019 market share estimations and a set of background articles. A must read report for everyone in the shrimp industry.